Hello everyone,
How are you all doing? Have you Cecilians recovered from the joy of show
week yet? I am no longer on holiday and am now back to being a serious law
student! Today I had my first week of lectures. I have ended up doing a
fairly random selection of subjects - International Human Rights Law,
Environmental Law and Contemporary Issues in Health Law. They all seem to be
fairly interesting and I only have exams in two of them (well if you think
that take home exams which you have a week to do count). The downside of
this is that I have to do a 9000 word research paper!!! V. stressful.
They way the subjects are taught is fairly weird aswell. You only have 2 two
hour seminars per week in each subject. However they have 50 people in them
and debate is greatly encouraged with a mark being alloted for class
participation. This however means that you have to actually do the assigned
reading. Boo!!! The Aussie students are really into the debating and
actually carry on their arguments outside the lecture theatre, not something
you generally see outside seminars back home. As I have Fridays off I tried
to catch up on my reading whilst sunbathing in the park - I actually did
quite well amazingly.
Have to have an early night tonight as I'm going to the Blue Mountains and I
have to be on the bus at 7:45am. I hope the weather holds up, but rumour has
it there is going to be a storm!!! It could be quite scary. I had a
stressful morning today as there were two spiders in my bedroom. They jumped
everytime I tried to get them so they are still there somewhere. I hope that
they're not poisonous and ready to bite me in the middle of the night!!
This email is fairly boring so I'll stick in a comedy story to brighted it
up. On Wednesday night Liz, Andy, Jo and I embarked on our second Pub Trek
Pub Crawl of Sydney with some of the other international law students. There
were loads of people on it who had been there the last time we were on it
(including a guy from East Kilbride who I called the other Scottish boy for
the whole night and have since discovered is called Angus) and the guys who
ran it remembered and loved us as we are Scottish. It all started fairly
calmly until we got to the extremely cheap drinks in the Sydney RSL. It was
after 5 vodkas and 2 glasses of wine that here I decided I was feeling the
effects of alcohol. This realisation caused me to volunteer into playing a
game where Andy had to burst a balloon which was between my legs (you know
the type of game I mean!!!).
We then progressed to the sports bar where we Scots hogged the comedy horse
riding simulator as I have the bruises on my leg to prove. Us girls almost
were left here due to shoe losing incidents, but as the man who took the
photos for the website loved us he came back for us.
Back on the bus things went from bad to worse!!! Firstly I decided doing a
somersault using the bars on the ceiling would be a good plan. As I didn't
think I'd have the upper body strength for this Andy and Angus lifted me up!
I panicked, let go of the roof and ended up lying flat on my back on the
floor of the bus in fits of giggles. They then started playing 500 miles my
the Proclaimers. The 5 of us were jumping up and down as you do. However,
when drunk and on a bus the result of this behaviour is that you fall over
every 5 minutes.
Next we entered the Forbes Hotel. At this point the man who takes the photos
decided that he wanted photos of me and Liz snogging him. Of course,
stupidly we agreed to this. These photos do not appear on the website so we
dread to think what he has done with them. Yuck!!! We then proceeded to
pretend to snog each other for the camera and then both snogged an Aussie
named Xavier as it was his birthday.
We then progressed to Rogues nightclub, Oxford Street!!! By this point the
man who took the photos had decided that he really fancied me and so told me
that he had a $200 bar tab there and so if I stuck with him I get lots of
free drink. At this point this seemed that a great plan even though he was
an old minger. Liz and Jo went home owing to a loss of passport stress and I
was alone with the boys. I took advantage of the free drink situation and
consumed my fair share of Sambuca and Vodka (actually this was done entirely
against my will but the photo man said I had to drink them). Back on the bus
and a little the worse for wear I apparently was snogging Xavier again. This
enraged the photo man as I was his and in the car wash disco at Kings Cross
a fight almost broke out between them. Isn't it great to be loved!!! After
being disgusted by the wet t-shirt contest there (and before anyone asks, no
I did not enter!) and be asked by the photo man what I like for breafast) I
decided this was a good time to leave!!! Andy assured the photo man he would
get me out of dodgy Kings Cross safely and we left.
Andy however had no intention of going home. As we were in Kings Cross he
decided we had to go to a sex show. For some reason I agreed!!! Once we
found a free one we went in. It was really shit and there was just an ugly
girl dancing on stage wearing nothing but thigh high boots. This was not my
idea of fun so I left, followed by Andy and got a taxi home!!!!
This is not the end of the story. Last night at 1 am the photo man phoned me
to see if I wanted to go out with him and his mates. Fortunately I was
asleep so missed the call. I'm going to really have to start screening my
calls now!!! I also have a minging hickey on my neck!! Yuck!!!
AS this is turning into a beast of an email I better go as I have to get
back for the start of my Best Friends Wedding.
Speak to you soon,
Lorna xxxx