Associate Membership
The Cecilian Society, University of Glasgow proudly presents its Associate Membership Scheme. The scheme is ideally suited to former members of the Society as well as general well-wishers, such as relatives of current members. An interested party gives a donation of £16 or over for the year and in return receives a number of benefits:
- Commemorative Presentation Pack for Each Show – This will contain mementoes from our two productions between now and our AGM in May 2005.
- The Society Newsletter – This will give information on the Society in general and an overview of upcoming and past events.
- Priority Booking – The chance to book early for our main show and in the process get better seats.
- A Christmas Card – Festive greetings from the Society.
- Mention in Programme – Every Associate Member will be thanked by name in the programme for our main show.
- Dinner Dance – The option of buying a ticket for the Dinner Dance is offered, giving the opportunity to catch up with old friends.
If you are interested in becoming an Associate Member please write to the following address with a note of your full name, your relation to the society, your postal address and, where possible, your email address, along with a cheque made payable to ‘The Cecilian Society, University of Glasgow’. If you would like further details about Associate Membership, please do not hesitate to contact the Vice President, Ben, in writing or by email at cecilianvice@yahoo.co.uk.
Cecilian Society
c/o Students' Representative Council
John McIntyre Building
University Avenue
University of Glasgow
G12 8QQ
Cheques should be sent to the above address, made payable to 'Cecilian Society, University of Glasgow'.