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The Cecilian Society now has a caledar up and running in the members section. Also, over the next few days, there will be a dedicated spin-off website for both Sweeney Todd and Disco Inferno. For those not in the know, the pre-audtion rehearsals are taking place on the 27th September, 4th October, and 18th October. The weekend show is taking place from the 11th to the 14th of October. But of course, if you had looked at the previously mentioned calendar, you would know this.


Ooh! It Shines! The website has had a bit of maintenance on it, and has come out looking all new. At the moment, some links aren't working, or they'll take you to a section of the old site. If you come across anything like this, then drop me a line, information can be found on the (also new) Committee page.


The Website has had a few updates. Oklahoma! 2007 pictures are now online. The humour section has been updated with a couple of videos. Some general maintenance of the site is currently going on. If you come across some broken links, don't worry!
If you would like to see anything on the site, then please don't hesitate to get in touch!


Oh dear lord. It looks like the website is slowly being updated. Stay tuned, and hopefully everything will come together eventually.


Well, in few days time there will be a new webperson. In the meantime, i think i'll tell you who is on the shiney new commitee:

President:Julie Craig
Vice-President:Rob McMillan
Tresurer:Andrew Jones
Secretary:Laura McMeekin

Ordinary Board

Emma Merton
Kate Mellon
Amanda Richie
Jennifer Miller
Stewart Archibald
Matt Romain
There will be two commitee positions available for co-option. Keep tuned for details....


Hi there! I am your new webmistress for the year. I am a sagittarius and I like long walks in the rain. Congratulations to the new commitee. Their details can be found on the commitee page. Be sure to check back soon for minutes of the commitee meetings, and you can read why shows like Les Miserables and Avenue Q didn't quite make our short list this year....


The production team members have recently been interviewed. We are pleased to announce that the production teams for the upcoming shows will be as follows:

Weekend Show
Director: Lorna Moir
Musical Director: Jenny Whitham
Choreographer: Sam Bower
Technical Director:
Jon Bunker

Main Show
Director: Jenny Hughes
Musical Director: Gregor Duthie
Choreographer: Marion Baird
Technical Director: Pete Gillespie


The committee have co-opted two members, and have been busy making plans for next year's shows. We are excited to announce that next year's shows, pending rights agreements and such like, will be Boogie Nights: The Musical and Kiss Me Kate!


On 6 May, yet another new committee was elected! Thus there is now a new webmaster as well. (Hello!) The new committee have now had their first meeting and hopefully there will be exciting developments to tell you about soon!


On 9 May 2003, a new committee was elected. The next week the role of each ordinary board member was decided; results of aforementioned decision can been seen by clicking on the 'Committee' tab on the left of the screen. The traditional format of the Cecilian show calendar has been changed and more news on that shall be revealed later. Two places for ordinary board are available to be co-opted within the next few weeks (information is on the forum posted by the secretary, Cate Merrick.) Thats all from here, yay for first News post.


The AGM is upon us once more. This time tomorrow there shall be a new webmaster. So long, kids, and thanks for all the fish.


People start to complain that the News page hasn't been updated in a while. Gregor and Laura consider having an extensive argument about it in a futile attempt to relive their glory days on the committee, but in true committee fashion decide they can't be arsed. Gregor decides instead merely to update the news page from show week until now...


It's that time of year and we all beautify ourselves extensively and gather together at the Grosvenor Hilton for their special brand of chicken and ceilidh the night away once more. Despite clocking in at over half an hour, Bobby Barr's speech continues to entertain, as the mystery of the bumblebee costume was finally laid to rest.


We all gather to marvel over the video of the show, which has been hastily put together by Neil; for whom we have much, much love. Especially on account of the swanky credits. DVD extras to follow....


The Cecilians take to the hills. 34 of them, to be precise, in two buses and a car, headed in the general direction of Dalwhinnie.Much merriment, alcohol, and "hot-tubby-goodness" was had by all. Even the cannibal sheep.
The webmaster categorically did not do anything embarassing and anyone who says otherwise was hallucinating. And any photos which might tend to prove it have clearly been doctored in Photoshop.


Amid much chaos and other derring-do at the after-show party, the news filters through that the all-new Cecilian Society has been launched. This proves to be fatal to the studying habits of many members of the society. Not that many of them had any in the first place.


West Side Story was a sell-out success at the Mitchell Theatre. As in we sold out on opening night.
And the second night.
And the third night.
And the fourth and final night.
And we had the largest matinee audience. Ever.


Blissfully unaware that it was the 13th, the musical director takes great care in arranging the QM cupboard so that there is no chance of the electric piano (kindly on loan from Lorna Bailey) falling out. Before he actually gets it in, however, he drops it from a great height. Two broken keys and a gaping hole in the casing. S***! The MD is a fool.


"The production team love the cast. And the cast the love the production team. And the production team love the cast for loving them. And the cast love the production team for loving them. And we all love each other. And it's all because none of us got enough love in our childhood."
-with apologies to Kander and Ebb


The prospect of a "gossip page" on the website is discussed. It is abandoned for legal reasons. The webmaster is specifically warned not to make any reference to the thing that Nicola once did to Richard M Reid, who strenuously denies it and says that if even if he didn't deny it, he certainly wouldn't have enjoyed it. No prohibition was laid, however, on mentioning what Liam and Jenny discussed on their holiday. Was there, Nicky?


In the space of 24 hours two people tell the webmaster that yes, they do indeed read the news page. :-)


The West Side Story production team spend thirty-six hours locked in a small room together witnessing 89 auditions. By the end of the fifth day, they are all exceptionally tired and irritable. And yet, somehow, they ahve managed to agree on a cast. They celebrate by consuming vast quantities of wine. Still suffering the following evening, the cast list are announced. Now - on with the show!


Phew! The news page has not been updated for ages, because the webmaster has been too busy making all the news to put on it. For instance, we have now done yet another staggering weekend show (Best Little Whorehous in Texas - 13/10/02) followed swiftly by our rather ambitious yet ultimately extremely successful 50th anniversary reunion weekend (18-20/10/02 - Details to follow elsewhere) Oh yeah - and rehearsals are nicely under way for West Side Story.
The webmaster is now in the library on a soggy Sunday afternoon, stricken with the cold and trying to desperately to get the website back up to date. Does anyone actually bother to read this page?


The fiftieth anniversary is rapidly approaching. Anyone eager enough to read this page really ought to have sent in their form by now...


The production team for the weekend show is put together. Jenny Hughes and Adele Morran will direct. Helen Eastcroft will do the stick waving and Jill Hamilton will make people jump up and down. Last but not least, John Paul Liddle will do things with gaffer tape.


Despite full knowledge that the lovely Anne is to leave our midst for the sunny northern climes of Aberdeen, the society is nontheless stunned by her announcement that she is in fact to make the move tomorrow. Cue much heartfelt cheesiness on the Curlers dancefloor. Bye, bye Anniepie - we miss you already!


The committee decides on the next show almost unanimously, in record time and with practically no argument. It's The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas by the way.


The force is waning fast from webmaster Yoda. Apprentice now there is. Learn will he.


We had an AGM last night... During which we changed Honorary President, gained a new honorary member and swapped round the committee a bit. I am no longer Web-editor but I feel I should fill in until a new one is decided upon. A fair amount of alcohol was consumed, I don't feel at my best.


Am sitting filling in time before going to the pub at 8pm, strictly I probably don't have time to fill in as I am putting off printing out a couple of chapters of my thesis. I feel it necessary to apologise for the laxness of my updating of late but, not being sure who specifically to apologise to, I shall apologise to the world in general. Sorry. I wonderif anyone ever looks at this page...


Have decided that I might swap the link to this page for one marked humour as I never amend this page. Have just come back from a weekend away and much fun has been had by all. A 'You know you've been on a weekend away when...' list is currently making the rounds however it will not be websited as it is even more injokey than our injokes. I don't get half of them! Mind you I went to bed early...


Keep forgetting about this page. Have got through H2$ successfully, will find out later this week how well it went. Once I get a list from Lorna I shall put up a list of who won raffle prizes.


After having stolen the idea from another website I have decided to make a page explaining our in-jokes. Unfortunately the site I stole the idea from did it better.


Have changed the link to Harry's pictures page so it now links to the thumbnails page. Our list of former members for the fiftieth anniversary is ever increasing...


We have just finished Grease, it was a roaring success, we had turn some people away! We think we have made money but we shall have to wait to see what we have lost/broken etc. Thank you to everyone who was involved for making it excellent. Particularly the various members of the production and technical team for making it all look so easy...


We've been having fun coaxing in Freshers. Grease is very imminent. Unfortunately the Danish group have cancelled. There will be no Danish exchange. But we love the British Council.


Should have put this on ages ago, but didn't. Curlers are sponsoring us! We are going to eat and drink there lots, cos they do good food.


Tony has finally got his website up and has left news of his time abroad. Visit.


Tad has flown back to America and left us! He has sent a very nice letter to us all to thank us though.


Sweeney Todd Is chosen for our main show. If you would like to be part of the production team, please contact Rob McMillan on 07729839704 before Thrusday 19th July.

Disco Inferno Is chosen for the weekend show

Spoon Champion 2007 Mr Bryce is titled Spoon Champion 2007

The Website has been updated! Oh my!

The Cecilian Society Forum Open to everyone, come along and ask some questions and share some banter.