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The Cecilian Society

Show Pictures

The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas
How many whores does it take to change a lightbulb? Mimi is preoccupied with Derek's banana The famous belly-dancing scene
Some people don't think much of the dancing Laura wishes she was a whore [No caption could do this picture justice]
Dress rehearsal and Fiona STILL isn't in costume Cate hasn't quite entered in to the spirit of things... ...but now she has.
Moulin Rouge eat your heart out Eliza finds her inner black woman Libby wonders where the rest of Rosie's dress is
Before.... ...After One of Ali's Dramatic Pauses
Nicola secretly wants to be a whore too.. Drop and give me 20, Morran If you want a job done properly...
Look! Some B*******'s nicking the set!

Photographs by kind permission of Harry Campbell