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Tickets are now available for the January production of Carmen – the Musical priced £12/£7 in advance. Performances run from 28th – 31st January 2009. To place your order, please fill in the form on the back of the flyer or telephone 07783 384 200. Alternatively you can email

Ideas for “Third Term”

You may be aware that the main show is earlier than usual this year and you may also have worked out that this leaves us with a bit of a gap between the start of February and the end of term. The committee will be having a meeting to discuss what could be done in…


Next Thursday (30th October 08) we will be holding interviews for a co-option committee member (Ordinary Board Member). If you would like an interview please send your mobile number to Ben via text or email by 7pm on Wednesday 29th October.

Scott’s Selkirk Christmas Choir

Rob McMillan is the MD for Scott’s Selkirk this year. The first rehearsal will be on MONDAY 3RD NOVEMBER. Contact Rob for details of rehearsal times, etc. (See the forum for more information: