Ideas for “Third Term”
You may be aware that the main show is earlier than usual this year and you may also have worked out that this leaves us with a bit of a gap between the start of February and the end of term. The committee will be having a meeting to discuss what could be done in this gap, or “third term” on Tuesday 28th October. If you have any ideas that you would like to be considered, please tell a committee member before the above date. We are willing to consider a range of options which we hope will be both challenging and enjoyable for our members. Maybe you have written your own piece of theatre that you would like to see performed, or having a favourite play that you would like to read for? Whilst we could quite happily spend this time socialising or playing free bingo games, we are always keen to expand our dramatic capabilities. We welcome all suggestions as to how we might best fill this gap between terms. Any and all ideas will be greatly appreciated!