The Cecilian Society

You know you were in Anything Goes when...
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Author:  LeroySmith [ Mon Sep 26, 2011 3:35 pm ]
Post subject:  You know you were in Anything Goes when...

Gemma Murdoch-

1) you stood outside tesco at five to 6 waiting for the man to come and open the door

2) you find bacon in your tights

3) you want penis now.

4) anything really does go.

5) the phrase 'hot pants' suddenly starts appearing in conversations

Author:  Gemma [ Mon Sep 26, 2011 3:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you were in Anything Goes when...

Gemma Murdoch
‎6) you cried. lots.

‎7) you were on a boat...

Julie Craig ‎
8) You tried to unleash Nialls freckle

‎9) You were sexually harrassed by Alison Rhodes

Gemma Murdoch ‎
10) you're probably a sinner.

Sam Kier
‎11) You cannot believe that the principles managed to pull of learning that much in a weekend and do it brilliantly well too!

Kenny Stewart
‎12) You Punched Sam Kier

Amy Fieldhouse
‎13) When the only 'you know you were in's you can think of involve Cho Chang.

‎14) JG is both your comedic and chivalric hero (Is that a sentence?).

Gemma Murdoch
‎15) learning bon voyage with Elspeth Coates was just the best thing ever. in life.

Rachel Pope ‎
12) You cried (or bawled) when the show ended out of sheer joy and pride

Author:  Dobie Wan [ Mon Sep 26, 2011 4:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you were in Anything Goes when...

when "Ragehouse" get's the police called out to the after-after-party again.

Author:  Dobie Wan [ Mon Sep 26, 2011 4:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you were in Anything Goes when...

when out of the 4 sailors on display, you start to think that Alison Rhodes would win in a fight.

Author:  slevvio [ Mon Sep 26, 2011 4:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you were in Anything Goes when...

you experienced pretty much every emotion a human can experience over the course of 4 days

you actually got to watch a weekend show

you find racism funnier than the audience

you cried, wept, bawled, sobbed and ate bacon

Author:  Jamie_D [ Mon Sep 26, 2011 4:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you were in Anything Goes when...

Alison Rhodes threatens to queef in your face

You spun Ashleigh around really fast on stage
And didn't fall over

There's no such thing as too many balancés

Alison Rhodes tells you she feels safe in your arms

You got to dance some amazing choreography

Author:  Lady-Vinyl [ Mon Sep 26, 2011 4:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you were in Anything Goes when...

You found it completely appropriate to run around and flash your sparkly pants at everyone during the aftershow.

You and Niamh were making out with the wall backstage whilst doing sexual bum movements

You and Niamh found this completely fucking hilarious

Lunch lunge

You drunkenly went unveggie for 2 minutes and then realised your didn't like being unveggie.

You woke up to find you had become a cat.

You fell asleep on the bus and missed your stop.

A man at the bus stop asked you if it was a Sunday service because of the September weekend and you replied "I'm sorry man, I'm completely shitfaced right now so I don't even know if this is Monday or Sunday but, hey, anything goes man."

You left your beer on the bus in your rush to not miss your stop :(

You learned that Niall cannot squat without doing some kind of fucked up plié and it meant you could not go through Blow Gabriel Blow without laughing.

You celebrated a year of "Eggnog"

You didn't learn Bon Voyage properly because you were busy laughing too hard at Elspeth's glorious teaching methods.

Author:  Lady-Vinyl [ Mon Sep 26, 2011 9:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you were in Anything Goes when...

you are convinced Elliott is actually a black woman and he gon' get his hair did. But not with a Yaky weave.

Author:  charlie [ Mon Sep 26, 2011 10:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you were in Anything Goes when...

You missed so many music entries by just pissing yourself laughing at Daly and JG... (Sorry Popester!)

Bring on the next!

Author:  ashleigh [ Wed Sep 28, 2011 4:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you were in Anything Goes when...

- A sailor went to pee pee pee to see what he could pee pee pee but then he couldn't pee pee pee he had an ST....I??
- You're still confused as to how and why Niall Murray was in his boxers at the aftershow party
- Your own accent gave you a headache
- Improvising an entire dancebreak isn't as scary as it seems
- You made people jealous with your packed lunch and felt like you were back in primary school
- Devil horns are the most fun hairstyle ever
- Dominic wouldn't act straight for you for one act even though you dedicated your raunchy lines to him...RUUUUDE
- Bathtime round 2 only happened because clearly Niall and JG were jealous about not being in round 1....
- You wanted a Statue of Liberty headpiece but Faith took them back to the stores
- You threatened to set Lorna on Louise if she didn't give you her Bon Voyage handkerchief and she laughed at you
- You actually won a raffle for the first time in your entire life and couldn't remember your damn colour so it was redrawn. Bitter.
- You left the aftershow after the GUU because you're an angelic 4th year uni student and wanted to be in uni at 10am which then didn't happen anyway, what a waste of sleep
- You witnessed Dom being taken out in a singing rehearsal
- You *thankfully* didn't witness Niall's bare arse during Heaven Hop rehearsals
- Caroline Topping is a domestic GODDESS
- You sat on Sam's shoulders for longer than he would have liked

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