The Cecilian Society

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Author:  Murray [ Mon Sep 27, 2010 11:51 am ]
Post subject:  YOU KNOW YOU WERE IN BACK TO THE 80s WHEN.....


Author:  MissE [ Mon Sep 27, 2010 12:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: YOU KNOW YOU WERE IN BACK TO THE 80s WHEN.....

- When you watched Niall doing 'Total Eclipse of the Heart' you thought 'awww, isn't he sweet'. Then remembered it was Niall.
- You did the 'Kids in America' routine WAY better at the aftershow than during the show
- You snuck into the band pit begging for water after 'Walking on Sunshine'
- You're sore. All over.
- You feel your title as 'cecilian stripper' has firmly been passed on. In a scene that went on for AT LEAST 8 MINUTES, much to the production team's delight!
- "We've never had girlfriends. Like Never."...."yeah...or boyfriends".
- You wish the boys were permanently in 'Footloose' character.
- You know that if you need anything, Kerry Ann has it. Anything.

Author:  Lady-Vinyl [ Mon Sep 27, 2010 12:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: YOU KNOW YOU WERE IN BACK TO THE 80s WHEN.....

you acquire a nickname based on an alcoholic dairy-based beverage that is popular at christmas.

Author:  Goolies [ Mon Sep 27, 2010 12:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: YOU KNOW YOU WERE IN BACK TO THE 80s WHEN.....

- someone lobs a tumbleweed at you!
- you were somehow involved in a Yasmin surprise.
- you feel like you know all the dancers intimately.
- someone has lobbed a condom at you.

Author:  Lady-Vinyl [ Mon Sep 27, 2010 12:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: YOU KNOW YOU WERE IN BACK TO THE 80s WHEN.....

-the word "goodest" becomes completely acceptable.
-a random guy at the bar asks you to play pool with him whilst you are in full 80s costume (side ponytail and all)
-you realise the only way to actually get through Time of My Life without your ears bleeding is to do a stupid dance to it
-you know if you ever hear Time of My Life again you may have to kill someone
-you've held a gnarly brofist for 5 minutes when you never knew a freeze frame could last so long
-you fall in love with Kirsty Leith after her spectacular conducting methods.

Author:  Moira [ Mon Sep 27, 2010 1:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: YOU KNOW YOU WERE IN BACK TO THE 80s WHEN.....

- you really enjoyed all the freshers' looks of confusion when Yasmin started singing sunshine mountain
- you laughs so hard when Ben and John g popped up from behind the rubix cubes. You especially loved Ben's cheesy smile.
- Victoria pretended to throw up on you in Time of your Life
- you've been wandering around all morning singing "na na na na na na "

Author:  jozza gezza [ Mon Sep 27, 2010 2:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: YOU KNOW YOU WERE IN BACK TO THE 80s WHEN.....

- your grasp on the english language becomes somewhat hazy when you come out with words like "goodest"

- you really hoped Popester would give you a sticker

- your body seized up trying to contort yourself behind a rubix cube

- you really dont suit jimmy wigs

- you heard ben's epic coming to early in Dancing on the Ceiling

- you were determined the after after party was NOT at Buccleuch street this year! :P next year for sure! :D

- you know that eilidh is now called Egg Nogg and that Elenor is a much more gooder name

- Nialls moaning on thursday night..... "im too hot!"... "do you want to swap places?" ..... "yes"

- peter does THE BEST michael jackson impression

- that Kerry Ann has an actual Mary Poppins bag

- you saw laura Baulds shoe fly off during centrefold

- you got a bit of a semi durring both strip teases


Author:  slevvio [ Mon Sep 27, 2010 2:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: YOU KNOW YOU WERE IN BACK TO THE 80s WHEN.....

You wake up in someone else's flat fully clothed in a suit ... again

Author:  Essyfessy [ Mon Sep 27, 2010 4:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: YOU KNOW YOU WERE IN BACK TO THE 80s WHEN.....

- You went to work today with your hair still back-combed
- You thought it was entirely acceptable to go to work today with your hair still back-combed
- You may never look at Winnie the Pooh in the same way
- You are slightly saddened that you can't get away with bright blue make up in real life
- You have been continuosly drunk for the last 4 days
- You are a wee bit disappointed there was no circle at the aftershow to fall into with Lucy
- You are so going to start wearing leg warmers in everyday life

Author:  entertainer [ Mon Sep 27, 2010 4:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: YOU KNOW YOU WERE IN BACK TO THE 80s WHEN.....

-Dominic made you cry...multiple times
-after learning all the dancing you've started to believe that anything really IS possible
-you found out how long a freeze frame can last
-you cannot wait for Thursday
-you're seriously considering wearing leather trousers on a regular basis
-you still cannot get over THE striptease scene

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