The Cecilian Society

You know you were at the Cecilian Weekend away 2010 when....
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Author:  jozza gezza [ Sun Mar 28, 2010 1:18 pm ]
Post subject:  You know you were at the Cecilian Weekend away 2010 when....

~ you witnessed hezza demonstrate how to have sex with a shower head!
~ you dressed desmond in his own mankini!
~ you were rolling in the "ailses" at Ronans Tai lady impression TWICE!
~ you were awoken at 7 am by ronan radin soaking wet form a threesome bath
~ you performed a private dance routine to FAME through the wee window in the cottage
~ you quiite possibility have suffered severe groin strain from high kicks and the spllits as a result of that dance

Author:  LeroySmith [ Sun Mar 28, 2010 1:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you were at the Cecilian Weekend away 2010 when....

- You're no longer surprised when you walk into a room and half the people in it are naked
- You learnt how to roll
- You were terrified of a trip to the village turning into a zombie film...
- You reckon you can now challenge Daly for most Cecilian pulls
- Wearing makeup and womens clothing has just become an everyday thing

Author:  ashleigh [ Sun Mar 28, 2010 1:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you were at the Cecilian Weekend away 2010 when....

- The first thing after TEAM MOVE you decided to do was the cottage welcome pack drinking game
- Paul doesn't even know what he wanted in the minutes
- Paul totally popped his rectum
- Kirsty Leith and you got far too into the wedding kiss, church tongue my ass
- The cottage is party central
- Gemma threw up in the room you were planning to kip in
- You and Ami Duncan spooned but she barely remembered. You were big spoon.
- You witnessed Niall and Hezza bringing back post show memories through the drowning scenario through the cottage window and you were greatly confused as to what was happening for quite a while
- I'd love organised nap time
- Your country doesn't have the tools to create music and the dictatorship cuts out the throats of those who sing
- Niall and Esther were eggcellent
- You witnessed Dominic scream like a girl whilst wearing a skirt when the egg was dropped
- You know the Cecilians struggle with rounders
- You heard that Yasmin wants Laura Mcluskey to teach Colin some of her moves because they are pretty special. Colin was too busy enjoying Peter though.
- We like the Ronan, Ronan and Peter, he's not the one...Ronan Radin's up my bum, Ronan's in the air.....were part of your Saturday night songs
- You were a great Jesus
- You felt victimised on Friday night with your team name
- You loved bathtime
- You were there when Desmond was disabled
- Turn around...
- You know that he hated to admit it but a little part of Dominic hated Laura Bauld for waking everyone up on Sunday morning
- "Oh yeah....with your smug little smile......"
- "You look like her dad!!!!" (yasmin to laura mcluskey)
- Kirsty Leith is a giggler so your team was the only team not to gain any points in the ha ha ha aids round but you pulled it back later on for a team win
- You watched Niall getting taken out for the beer....and laughed
- You are losing your voice and have never laughed so much in such a short space of time
- Some of you are going to buy the cottage and commute to uni every day....totally possible

Author:  Moony3264 [ Sun Mar 28, 2010 2:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you were at the Cecilian Weekend away 2010 when....

-you didn't want to wake every one up but felt that if you didn't Dominic would probably still be asleep at the Urr Lodge.
-you nearly broke your spine being overjoyous.
-you have so much love for Colin Dobie for his impressions during his team's panto.
-Paul Slevin needs to be the next leading man in 2011 Main Show.
-Sam wear pink lipstick.

Author:  entertainer [ Sun Mar 28, 2010 2:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you were at the Cecilian Weekend away 2010 when....

-you have witnessed Ronan transforming Niall's underwear to a seatbelt
-you satisfied your voyeristic needs by watching Dom,Ashleigh, Katie and Ronan take a bath together
-your relationship to rice changed a bit
-you learned that you like Ronan and then sang songs about it...
-you love the cottage
-you already knew what Niall sounds like during climax and gained more info about his sex life...he lost virginity at 18 and doesnt need lube cause he'll just SLYTHERIN
-you are convinced that in Burkina Faso, they like their women fat
-watching the cottage window performance was one of the highlights of your saturday night
-you feel like you missed out on something cause Victoria didnt write on your face
-your dream of being a bride came true

Author:  Radzicles [ Sun Mar 28, 2010 3:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you were at the Cecilian Weekend away 2010 when....

-You realise that you can not hide youre sexuality when attempting to do any kind of sport... as proven by Ronan and Dom
- The resuscitation video must NEVER be deleted!
- John Gerard loves to bake, Lucy Wild loves to pop and lock and jam and break and Ronan likes to play the cello(even in costume).
- John Gerard's fame was amazing and only got better when Dom entered!
- At one point there were 6 in the bath : Ashleigh, Katie, Ronan, Daly, Bianci and Desmond!
- Jess Brodie has facial hair like a polar bear, her face looks mean like halloween, she's got the IQ of a Dijareedoo and a big fat belly like a bowl full of Jelly.
- There are at least 25 reasons why Cat and Niall never worked out!
- Will never forget Heather's boke face after doing Tequila
- Bitching with the lights off makes it okay as you can't see the people your talking to.
- Huh! Huh! Huh! Huh! Wooahhhhhhhhhh - Knees! All fours! Jewish Exclamation! Hand Clasp and down! Crawl Forward! CARDS! BAM!
- Didn't realise that Street Fighter and Final Fantasy 9 could ever have a real connection.
- Pen should never be substituted for eye liner... especially when creating Thai Eyes... it doesn't wash off!
- You know that Niall's pants will go over his head and round a bus chair and still manage to be on one of his legs!
- Laura 'M' Bauld will always be prepared for everything!
- Yasmin's boobs now have their own musical!
- Desmond was meant to have a broken leg not a broken arm!
- Thinks that a lot of people are now contenders against Daly and her number of pulls
- Chinese Chat Charmin is the perfect name for a pantomime prince
- You were involved in two rather strange conversations about feces
- Although not remembering what exactly what it was... but Dobie's outburst in the middle of have you ever was brilliant!
- "Have you ever had sex in a phonebox?"
- You are now scared to have a shower because it reminds you of a certain impression/demonstration
- You know that puting digestives in Niall's hair just results in him being a grumpy fucker.
- Dom's underwear was a little more see through than desired when in the bath
- You know the theme tune for a black person in films set in the past is Run and Tell That
- You know about angry goats but are more than likely happy that you didn't actually see one!

Author:  SlamDuncan [ Sun Mar 28, 2010 3:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you were at the Cecilian Weekend away 2010 when....

- you know that a giraffe's sexuality is questionable
- you went fishing in the pond
- you think that Lucy Wilde makes an excellent nun
- you were proposed to with a condom for a ring
- you know that Dom makes some strange noises when asleep
- you felt a strong connection to Snowdrop even after the move to the cottage
- you miss the cottage already
- you know how to play Umbridge
- rather than be supportive to a very drunk Gemma as she was sick, you decided to just leave her to it
- you know that bacon o'clock is beautiful
- Dom's alarm makes you think about lemon curd
- you ignored Gemma when she told you that pub lunch could be delivered
- you LOVED the delivery of pub lunch
- you think Dobie really suited the facial art provided by Bianchi
- you think the Cecilian edition of Mock the Week was (generally speaking) pretty brilliant
- you thoroughly enjoyed Rob's pantomime thought process

Author:  jozza gezza [ Sun Mar 28, 2010 3:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you were at the Cecilian Weekend away 2010 when....

- you managed to pull off an un offensive stephen gately impression! and an un intelligable irish accent
- Robs hangover cures did NOT cure you
- you went fishing with katie renton, lucy wild and ami duncan
- you more or less spent the entire weekend in your 'lounge pants' or as rents named them leisure pants -aided in flexibility!
- kirsty leith's giraffe was more ostrich
- you were part of TEAM ATHLETE during rounders
- cecilians will never make good sportsmen
- ashleigh carter offended every Christian everywhere giving Jesus a giant shlong
- never have i ever had sex in a telephone box
- does a condom count as plastic?
- most likely to shag niall? - kirsty campbell
- you really struggled to whisper into esther's ear during paranoia on account of your giggle fit
- had the fear whilst walking to the village - "are there any shops around here?" ... " aww there used to be.... but not now."
- paul slevin's bowel movements!
- chatting about defecation in the dark
- you sang a disney marathon medley on saturday morning!

Author:  jozza gezza [ Sun Mar 28, 2010 4:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you were at the Cecilian Weekend away 2010 when....

and of course mr lover man SHABBA!

Author:  Essyfessy [ Sun Mar 28, 2010 5:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you were at the Cecilian Weekend away 2010 when....

-You're ear is still warm from JG breathing on in for 5 mins in an attempt to form words.
-You hope that Mike, your team's mascot survived Lucy dropping him from a great height.
-You have given Dobie a sparkley blue hickey.
-You have feared Dobie's revenge.
-You still have yellow paint on your face and a flower and a butterfly on your chest.
-You know that Kenny's mind is google maps.
-You have discussed 'clitoral hoods' in detail.
-You know that standing up makes you pretentious.
-You are a balloon blowing machine.
-You have never been more proud than when you won the egg catching round.
-You have never been so excited than when you saw Gary the Tank Commander outside coopers.
-You know that Niall should have a career in public speaking.
-You stomach muscles are in pain from all the laughter.
-You know that purple is just funny.
-You have ridden the wave.
-You know that scouse, jamaican and welsh accents sound the same.
-You know that Stephen Gatley sounds lke Maggie Smith.
-You know that JG doesn't really get I have never.
-You are mildly dissapointed that nobody actually did Boke to Bonnie!
-You 'discussed cole porter'

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