The Cecilian Society

You know you were in The Wedding Singer when...
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Author:  HezyW [ Tue Mar 02, 2010 7:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you were in The Wedding Singer when...

- you know that Vampires Rock IS a real musical - :P
- but you would now rather do 'Vescly broke the bed'
- you were surprised at how many of the guys suited eye make up :P
- you can't bring yourself to take down the posters all over your halls but really dont want anyone else to do it either.
- you really want the rest of the people in the library/lecture theatre/labs to break out into song and dance RIGHT NOW!!!
- you feel there should be a cecilian social every night and dont want to go home and miss the party.

Author:  charlie [ Tue Mar 02, 2010 8:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you were in The Wedding Singer when...

- Vecsly broke the bed.
- You know that the police manage to recover Rooney's penis enhancer cream.
- You've told far too many obscene jokes over the cans.
- "This is a message for Roger-Ben-Roger - Roger that"
- You know who Caz is.
- Being in the band means you're underneath the cast, and as a result have seen far too many pairs of pants, or indeed no pants at all.
- You know Dobie on a box is too tall, but Dobie not on a box is far too short.
- When listening to the soundtrack, you count the bars before you come in... 1-2-3-4... 2-2-3-4... 3-2-3-4.... Oh, crap, missed it.
- You've missed the entry at the beginning of pop *every time* along with the rest of the band.
- "I'm gonna take your shoe.... and your sock"
- You placed a sheet over the snoggers at the aftershow party.
- You're a little bit sad that you no longer have to carry 2 saxophones about...
- You could hear McMeeks' laugh in the the audience over everyone else's and were overjoyed...
- You watched Aunty Nicky's face through the whole of the final scene just to watch her reaction to Mr T and Tina Turner.
- You now know that it was actually Diana Ross that sang Chain Reaction NOT Tina Turner.
- You still don't know any other Tina Turner songs...
- You've seen Toast's drum kit get gradually bigger.
- You know that if you ever need someone to man a typewriter, you'll be calling Gregor.
- You've seen Laura and Hannah pause, then just MAD IMPROV to waste time...
- Team Le Claje.
- Members of the audience have complimented you on your Rubiks cube.
- You wanted to play the show again... and again... and again!
- You totally want to be in the band again next year!
- You've been to a party where there's a designated spew loo.

Author:  Lady-Vinyl [ Tue Mar 02, 2010 10:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you were in The Wedding Singer when...

You screamed "YOOOOU FUCKERS" every time someone on Woodlands Road stole your taxi to the aftershow party. Then ran in front of several cars screaming with joy to actually get one after an hour of waiting.

It was so worth it.

Author:  notmiller [ Tue Mar 02, 2010 10:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you were in The Wedding Singer when...

-You were there for Caz's first appearance
-You sport some random bruises from crashing around backstage
-You really wanted to pimp the stage car
-Roger roger
-You nicked a table without anyone noticing
-You’ve had a phone call from Kevin about tech – two days after the show ended
-Everything was dropped and flights changed for show week and now real life has returned, this makes you sad
-Tales of show week has convinced a couple of friends to turn up for the next show and one to return from retirement

Author:  slevvio [ Tue Mar 02, 2010 11:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you were in The Wedding Singer when...

- although you feel terribly sad, your life has been enriched in so many powerful ways
- you have to keep turning off the CD in your car that you've been listening to for months because it makes you tingly with goosebumps and sadness
- you were in the room of band love and face orgies at ronans party
- wine has sex in your bag to produce more bottles of wine
- your lips are mysteriously fucking blue
- YOU HAVENT ACTUALLY SEEN THE SHOW YET due to positioning, but are pretty sure you could draw dobies face in exact detail
- not doing the show feels like a breakup, nay, a fucking DIVORCE
- you hugged lots of men
- you get paid 3 pence an hour
- you're a shitter for not being available in june
- you're not a shitter
- you experienced Lambo's bass riff of destiny in Pop
- you enjoyed gregor's stylophone solo in Saturday Night
- Charlie destroys your rubiks cube mega challenge
- you vaguely remember being gifted a rubiks cube but no longer have said rubiks cube
- you think wedding singer songs are better than the real ones they are references to
- you dream about julia and robbie
- you think Rooney is a good arbiter
- you keep writing messages cos you want to go back in time to the last week but clocks are shit and dont go backwards

Author:  Pippi [ Wed Mar 03, 2010 12:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you were in The Wedding Singer when...

- It made your day to learn that Fieldhouse has a girl-crush on you
- It made your day again when you read on here after having forgotten it because of drunkeness
- It's totally reciprocated


Author:  Geordie Sarah [ Thu Mar 04, 2010 9:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you were in The Wedding Singer when...

- You log onto the forum to bump up the "you know you were..." topic as you think it is the highest form of banter

- Watching the video has led you to appreciating things you never could before

- You screamed when you *FINALLY* got to see the car.

Author:  Moony3264 [ Thu Mar 04, 2010 10:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you were in The Wedding Singer when...

-It's like snow.... but backwards.

Author:  Fieldy [ Thu Mar 04, 2010 3:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you were in The Wedding Singer when...

- You saw a watercooler yesterday and genuinely sighed in a melancholy manner.
-Cat McAleer just told you she went to a revolving restaurant in India and you were like WHAT! a revolving restaurant! That's amazing!

Author:  Mister G [ Fri Mar 05, 2010 5:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you were in The Wedding Singer when...

-You know that the stylophone is harder to play than it looks
-...but are going to persevere, because they're more portable than pianos
-You suspected that Charlie set off the fire alarm to buy time for the Rubik's Cube challenge, but realised she had left it inside the burning building
-You have now spent 4 birthdays, in 3 different decades and 2 different millennia doing a Cecilian show
-....and you don't feel any more grown up than you did the first time
-you know that despite Rob's valiant efforts, the real winner of the "last post" game is in fact the rolling tumbleweed
-you have used the word "correctamundo" in conversation without a hint of irony
-you worried Rooney actually *was* drunk on at least one occassion
-you know that if it all else fails, you have a promising career as either a DJ or a typist
-or a telephone
-you had to explain to someone why Thursday night's performance was dedicated to Paul Chalmers

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