The Cecilian Society

you know you were in carmen when...
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Author:  charlie [ Mon Feb 02, 2009 7:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: you know you were in carmen when...

261. I would marry Laura Bauld.

Author:  charlie [ Mon Feb 02, 2009 7:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: you know you were in carmen when...

262. You've fallen in love with Bianchi's flat. And to quote Sandy - "Quite a *nice* flat"
263. You've booked a haircut for Tuesday. The first full day where you are neither hungover, nor under the creative control of the red loving Neil Gordon, who asked you nicely not to cut your hair.
264. You still have costume items to return to people...

Author:  Moony3264 [ Mon Feb 02, 2009 8:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: you know you were in carmen when...

263. You found your spare fake knife in your bag when trying to pull out your zonecard.
264. You've had Colin Fyfe and Colin Bryce worry about whether they had bruised your arms.

Author:  dj toast [ Mon Feb 02, 2009 8:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: you know you were in carmen when...

265) you wonder why calm-and-softly-spoken-dressing-gown-neighbour puts up with his psycho hose beast girlfriend

Author:  Fieldy [ Tue Feb 03, 2009 12:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: you know you were in carmen when...

266. Amy Glover turned up at your flat after committee and you greeted her with an emotional 'I've missed you so much!!!' and truly truly meant it. Even though you last saw her yesterday afternoon.
267. The Way t-shirt has now been in place for 48 hours. People are disgusted, you can tell, but you only feel pride.
268. You witnessed Ewan's multiple Laura hug.
269. Merty's arms did you proud.
270. You've never been so nervous as you were performing your own dances.
271. But you may have never loved dancing anything more than the hip sways in Habanera that you used to hate.
272. You had to order Rooney to stop pretending to bum Yasmin on stage.
273. You're trying to ween yourself off cigarettes and back onto lattes.

Author:  kenny [ Tue Feb 03, 2009 2:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: you know you were in carmen when...

274. You now have a new hair colour.
275. Therefore you now slightly freak out when you see yourself in a mirror.
276. You made a fool of yourself dancing in bar budda.
277. You have had to put up with Rob making up even more preposterous nicknames.
278. You have slept for the greater part of the last two days.
279. Subway is now your kitchen.
280. You have been reading this list for the last 25 minutes.

Author:  Geordie Sarah [ Tue Feb 03, 2009 9:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: you know you were in carmen when...

281. You return to work only to become depressed when the realisation that it is over finally hits you.

282. Work can't stop talking about the show. You wish they'd stop.

Author:  amyg [ Tue Feb 03, 2009 10:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: you know you were in carmen when...

283. Someone on the radio says the phrase "I love you and you love me". You should back "Not as much as I did and probably soon I shant love you at all!" before bursting into tears.
284. You beg Emma Fraser to let you come and sit in her flat so you can pretend it's not over. You greet all the occupants like long lost friends but tell Kirsty Leith that she should really get in the shower.

Author:  Fieldy [ Tue Feb 03, 2009 4:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: you know you were in carmen when...

285. You discovered a mound covered by a velvet black rug in a corner of your flat and thought 'Ah, Neil'.
286. You are really very flattered that the chosen corner was in your room. As you think it means yours is the most stylish room.

Author:  Craig [ Tue Feb 03, 2009 4:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: you know you were in carmen when...

[quote="charlie"]232. You persuaded randomers to come after talking to them after donating blood. THEY ACTUALLY CAME![/quote]
High 5!!

287. you've been touched up by the makeup girls
288. you know "this is not a game" and that you've lost :P
289. you know you can't salvage your black shirt
290. and that the above black shirt cost £3 from Primark
291. you're becoming ever more tempted to do the revue.....

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