The Cecilian Society

You know you were on the Cecilian pub crawl 2010 when...
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Author:  Lady-Vinyl [ Sat Oct 16, 2010 2:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you were on the Cecilian pub crawl 2010 when...

-you decided a perfectly acceptable way to flirt with a Russian by informing him it is your dream to go to Russia.......and visit Chernobyl.
-you were gutted to have to leave pre-crawl for a gig but were dedicated enough to come back post-gig EVEN THOUGH IT MEANT YOU MISSED BEING ABLE TO TOUCH JOSHUA RADIN'S ASS AS HE WAS STANDING RIGHT IN FRONT OF WHERE YOU WERE STANDING 2 MINUTES AFTER YOU LEFT...totally worth it though.
-the driver of taxi number 666 informed you he was taking you to your final destination
-aformentioned taxi driver did not take you to you final destination but the next taxi driver did and you repaid him by changing into my costume in the back of his taxi.
-you got called Cinderella, queen, princess and fairy but corrected the offender every time
-you did the macarena and sang the macarena in the middle of the stage like a fanny.
-you once again were gutted to find that you couldn't remember most of the All About the Green dance
-your costume scarred you.

Author:  Lady-Vinyl [ Sat Oct 16, 2010 2:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you were on the Cecilian pub crawl 2010 when...

-every 12 seconds someone told you you were 2 weeks early for halloween

Author:  LeroySmith [ Sat Oct 16, 2010 4:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you were on the Cecilian pub crawl 2010 when...

(the previous post from my account was Phil... aka Cat's Bitch - would like to make it clear that I was NOT home by 11.30!)

- You don't remember being on the pub crawl
- You've spent the day piecing together last night
- You're sorry to your team that you were such a mess
- You didn't think it was possible to shame yourself anymore... but it is
- You don't remember pulling anyone really... sorry Jamie!
- You know that hair dye is a bad idea.

Author:  Moony3264 [ Sat Oct 16, 2010 5:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you were on the Cecilian pub crawl 2010 when...

-you and Eilidh McMillan sang the best taxi song ever.
-you spents 20mins getting your cat face off.
-leotards and fur are not appropriate for warm pubs.
-Jess Brodie was told that she was very rude when she asked some guy in Aragorn what his penis size was.
-you feel numb when you think about what your boyfriend wore.
-you kinda wished he'd have shaved his armpits at least. or waxed his chest.
-Jennifer Halliday is an AMAZING Elphaba

Author:  Fieldy [ Sat Oct 16, 2010 9:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you were on the Cecilian pub crawl 2010 when...

-You witnessed Paul lament that 'it's hard to pee when Maria's looking at you'.
-You know now that crawling to the toilets in PJ champs is no joke.
-You witnessed Phil get lost crawling to the toilets, asking directions from someone who then rode him all the way there.
-You've run back into several pubs on Byres Rd and shouted THEY'RE GONE!
-You have learned that PJ champs really are champs because they only played My Favourite Things! Oh yeh.
-You think Kathryn Duncan is wild.

Author:  jessiix3 [ Sun Oct 17, 2010 2:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you were on the Cecilian pub crawl 2010 when...

~ you tried to "beat" ronan by pulling sarah daly for the same period of time... and it failed
~ you had purple ALL OVER your face after pulling rachel "that was quite a long one btw"
~ you nearly got taken to the partick police station against your will because you were too cheeky to a taxi driver
~ you had a HUGE heart to heart with susanne... you dont remember what about, but you do know you were joined by WILLIAM
~ lucy wild likes chips straight from the pavement
~ you had a shower with ronan in your pyjamas after a HUGE food fight in the kitchen

Author:  Babyface [ Sun Oct 17, 2010 3:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you were on the Cecilian pub crawl 2010 when...

You developed a costume description dance
You spent a good portion of the night half carrying various team members and pretending to not to hear bar staff requesting you leave
You did an obstacle course with Katherine accross PJ Champs while crawling to the toilet
You hissed at a man in defence of magical mr mistoffelees
You hugged EVERYONE. Willing or unwilling.
You were the prop when "A Few of my Favourite Things" came on in PJ's
You signed something declaring the hotness of Paul
You witnessed Kirsty Leith saying the sentence "I'll yodel-ay your hee hoo!"
Esther had to rescue you like six times from the same guy
Your team gradually diminished over the night

Author:  Radzicles [ Sun Oct 17, 2010 8:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you were on the Cecilian pub crawl 2010 when...

You find it hilarious that Kirsty Leith started crying when Man in the Mirror came on.
You find Kirsty Leith's reaction to being woken up hilarious...
Legally Blonde always has to be played at Falkland Street (despite there being no quick change this time)
You decided to have massive food fight with Rachel at about 6 in the morning.
You know that getting your tubby rubbed is especially nice when it is in the shower by Jess Brodie
You are still blue.
You tried to cross the line that is Amy Fieldhouse but were rejected
You did however manage to give Fieldhouse a lap dance.
You know that doing the Macarena is so much better when you walk backwards and forwards
You know that Slevin is not completely awesome because he failed to read the correct key signature for The Wizard and I...
You did not realise that Paul was playing The Wizard and I in the wrong key for at least half the song!
You stopped Alan and Niall getting thrown out of Cheesy Pop (which was especially epic after Niall's fall...)
You witnessed the best fall EVER!
You know that Team Avenue Q will be dressing up for our field trip to the Hunterian Museum to visit our new friends...
You are still blue in several places and don't think your work will appreciate this...
You called in sick to work
You are still hazy on a few moments of the evening
You were the only Cecilian in Qudos who danced to Casualty of Love but enjoyed the fresher's in your team who bluffed there way through it like they'd been in the show!
You can't stop laughing at the security guards who did enjoy watching Team Avenue Q pee nor climb on University Property
You can't stop laughing thinking about Rachel trying to steal the security guards hat!
You managed to get a German to shout schadenfreude!
You know that male bartenders do not like "if you were gay" being sung to them!
You know that mince pies go out of date on the 17th of November!
You know that...shouting dwarf at someone repeatedly is not acceptable...especially when they turn out to be a 4 year old girl!
You and the pope managed to find the real Gary Coleman
Milk in the Aragon was definitely a good shout!
You thought the pub crawl was wonderfully organised and whoever organised it should be praised for his hard work!

Author:  slevvio [ Sun Oct 17, 2010 9:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you were on the Cecilian pub crawl 2010 when...

-you totally thought it was in Aflat

Author:  jessiix3 [ Mon Oct 18, 2010 1:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you were on the Cecilian pub crawl 2010 when...

- ... 0665_n.jpg


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