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 Post subject: Notes - Thu 22 Jan
PostPosted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 7:58 pm 
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Joined: Tue Dec 11, 2007 8:32 pm
Posts: 61
Not too many notes, all in all. Generally last night's run was solid, but not spectactular. I think everyone knows it was a little under-energised, so I'm not going to tell you off for that because I'd rather you had lots of energy next week!

Opening Chorus
::Has been much more secure than it was last night. Don't know who the culprit was but there was some major scoopage up to the first note.
::Don't forget to start the second chorus after Colin B's solo. These were not Bar One people yesterday.
::Don't forget the accent on the first syllable of "strolling here, strolling there" and a fp on the there.

Only Smoke
::Remember the "men's honeyed talk" section is supposed to be quiet.
::Don't forget to roll the r on "rapturous vows"

As Ben Miller said "That carbonara number was superb". BUT someone was very lazy and slid off the end of "Ah then take care!" Hold your note to the end, please.

Breathing - Kirsty, you know what you did here. I will try and remember to help.
Andy - you did it too, "And I pray you Micaela to tell [breath] her". Naughty boy.
Andy - watch you don't close your vowels too early on held notes. Last night we got "And prayeeeeees that he'll never cause her".

Apparently I thought letter B was particularly good, but I can't remember why. This was so slutty that Nicola Coffield is still having a hot flush. Keep it up.

Generally fine, but you need to enjoy this number more, so just up the delivery. Escamillo should be so smug we want to slap him, yet we don't because he's just so god-darn-charming. At the moment, you still look like you have a bit of "oh crap, big number coming up" fear. When actually what we need is "If David Yates were chocolate, he would eat himself".

Rob& Dobie: text is not a problem. You two are on consonant-o-matic, which I love. Now some dynamics as well, please:
ffFor we most gratutitous cheesy portamento
pp humbly beg to state
ffAnd most re-gratutitous cheesy portamento
pp spectfully of course
sfz Yes pp we
sfz most pp hum-
sfz bly pp beg
sfz to pp state
ppWhen you have dirty....

See? You did the dynamics this time and they were awesome, for the dance managed to be even sluttier when you got to the unforgivably coy subito pp

You went a bit Scottish for some reason. No "r"s at the end of words, please. Last night we got "hearrrrrt" and "o'errrrr me".

Follow Us not the name of the song. Not one person gave me their "Come" at the first entry. [Oh dear, Lord, that really wasn't intentional....] Yes, Jonathan had a page turn entry and didn't play the whole cue, but that sort of thing is equally liable to happen with a live band, so WATCH ME if there's any uncertainty.

Risky Our Game
::The opening was, not to put too fine a point on it, gash. It was absolutely fine when we went over it minutes before the run. It's not that you can't do it; you just need to remember to do it and I can't do that for you. If I walk into the guys dressing room at any given point over the next week, I want to see you guys using your own time to practice.

I think it was just tiredness, but watching the tuning of the Bb on "If twenty times you try the cards no pity show", it was a little bit B natural-y. Otherwise VG.
EDIT: I am a retard. The Bb in question is actually in the line after that one. It's the double Bb on "Full twenty times you try".

Memories Reprise
Andy - same note from Sunday. You gave us "Those memories of happy days [breath] are gone and Carmen's to blame".

David, you came in a little early so we will go over this with the band on Sunday. It will be a bit more obvious when you suddenly have a string section. Otherwise you know this fine, so again just enjoy it a bit more.

Amy - got big ticks for your accents on "I love you no more"
Darius Milhuad was a prolific 20th century composer who was heavily influenced by jazz.
David's character is Escamillo, and it would be nice if we addressed him as such, please. Any time there's a hint of a trumpet fanfare you sing "Escamillo". It only happens twice so we should be able to manage all 4 syllables. I will not have the chorus trying to jobshare a single word....

Just a reminder that show week starts on Sunday at 2pm in the Catholic Chaplaincy, where there will be much orchestral-related excitement.


ps. Some of you might want to print these notes and out and circulate to the non-internet-enabled before Sunday's run. It's time to start policing yourselves guys. If you know the person next to you was the culprit for one of the above notes, feel free to jab them with your pointy elbows and tell them your granny is not paying her £12 to watch them f*** up.

Last edited by Mister G on Sat Jan 24, 2009 2:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: Notes - Thu 22 Jan
PostPosted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 1:49 am 
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Joined: Mon Mar 03, 2008 11:19 am
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The show is becoming really impressive, which is great, however it means I am going to become really nitpicky. This doesn't mean I think you're shit. It, in fact, means I think you're great! and I want you to live up to your full potential on stage. My main general note is that some people know what they're doing all the time, are always acting, never laugh if they make a mistake and hit the floor at the right moment!! These people are holding it together for the people who aren't sure of what they're doing, or aren't doing it with conviction. Even when Laura Bauld was right at the back during Habanera I could still tell from her face that she was a gypsy of the slutty persuasion. I assume that the doubt showing in your faces is because you aren't sure of the steps. In that case go over them by yourself or read the walkthroughs. I am happy to go over stuff with people during breaks of rehearsals. Unfortunately we're rather running out of time for me to go over everything people are unsure of. That's why it's important that you take the initiative yourself to make sure you know things. And once you're clear on what you're doing, do it like a confident gypsy hobag!/flirty soldier! Hold your shoulders back, lift your head up and don't let your doubt/confusion/terror show in your eyes. Anyway, this is all starting to sound a little too much like a self help book so I'd better start actually giving notes.


-Dancers-Much tighter than before, but the heads still weren't all together
-Basket holding girls-You are the greatest offenders for not looking confident enough. I mean, I know you're not confident, we obvioudly need to go over the moves again-and I know you learnt them pretty late on, but at least pretend you know what you're doing. Although whichever group did it last night was actually better than the group on Sunday.


-Remember the movements here. I've listed them in one of my previous notes. Allen was the only one who started moving confidently to stageR on 'look at the people...', which all the three of you on the left are supposed to do. Although, your lecherous watching of Lucy and Yasmin was good. Ben and ColinF did everything great as far as I can remember.


-Laura Bauld is wonderful.
-Ha. My notes say 'not as good as sunday but not shit'. Well, there you go. I'm pretty sure it was nowhere near shit actually.


-Carmen's dance with dancers/Fras./Merc.-Everyone great except Louisa and Steph you didn't look as confident as the rest and I think one of you made a mistake. make sure you know the steps. Especially if you are at the front.
-Dancer section-Pretty great. I only saw one person forget it. And that section got an immediate thumbs up from ben. I love your angry walk off Yasmin. Having said that, all of the people having lovers tiffs could afford to be a bit more over the top with their body language so that people are sure of what's going on. The teaching of this section has been quite the fuck up so you're all great for making it look so good now.
-Everyone-Remember we decided your hands go down on 'then' after the hip sways.
-And if anyone's not sure, you start the hip sways on 'like' ('for love is LIKE the gypsy free')


-Victoria and Amy-Try to do the beginning of your dance with a bit more energy. I think my whole-put more weight on the table-things messed you up a bit as it takes longer. I'll talk to you about it on sunday.
-The sue for the front two tables to be moved off is when the dancers start dancing into the middle.
-While the dancers are dancing feel free to move up the sides of the stage so that you're clustered more around them than just in a line behind them. This might also help you be closer to where you need to be to start dancing.
-Chorus. You can actually start moving into position earlier than you have been doing. You can probably start as the dancers circle Merc, Carm and Frasq for the second time. Then hopefully everyone should get to their spot by the end of the tralalalalalalalaaaaa(123,223,323,423,stand).
-If you get to your spot early, don't stand still with your arms down until the 'stand' moment. There should be a hubbub of activity as you all move in to dance on tralalalalalalalaaaa(123,223,323,423) which then abruptly ends. Then you're all still for 6 beats, and then you're into 123-flamenco hands/bring your hands up and throwing them down. So if you get to your spot early talk to your partner, fidget, be drunk, clap. Do anything to not be still. There should only be 6 beats of stillness which should be sudden (and thus exciting) after all the movement.
-It is too quiet early on in the dance. There can't be a lot of noise because we don't want to drown out the singing, but at the moment it is all a bit quiet and ghostly until you all go MENTAL after the final tralalalalalaaa(when you all hop forwards). We could do with a few woops so that it's not such a huge contrast. In general the noise needs to be less powerful but more consistent, the first big cheer last night was way too big and made you all mess up the floor hitting and then it suddenly got quiet again. You should be aiming to make a noise when no one else is rather than exactly when everyone else is.
-123floor56 was poorer than ever. Mainly because of the giant cheer right beforehand. Don't get so carried away with being excited that you lose your concentration. You really have to listen to the music here. It won't necessarily be exactly the same speed as I've been making you do it, so just hitting the floor really fast might not be right(you might actually be early!). You need to be counting out the 123floor56 in your head with the music. I have never ever seen you do this bit right in a run of the whole song! I really mean it when I say I don't care if you come up again after 4. Even if you just fall to the floor on 4 I'd be ok with that. You can just pretend to be a drunkard, as long as you get into your next position in the next 12 counts (because you are a musical theatre drunkard who is drunk in time with the music). As long as there is no one standing on 4 I shall be happy.


-Dancers and Rooney and ColinB-Your positions for the specialist dancer section are this. Sorry about the lines. The forum doesn't let me type large spaces so it's the only way to demonstrate shapes.





Colin B you stood in the middle again. It migth have been only you who went wrong actually.


-The people coming on last on stageR are rubbish at this!!! It's really noticeable. I believe you are supposed to be doing the step forward and back on 'heedless of country you will be' or 'a wandring life'(BAR 58). At the moment you just do it when you see the people in the middle doing it which makes you behind.
-The end of this is a particular moment when some people are doing great intense faces (JenM, Lucy, ColinD, Ben, ColinF, Kirsty and Victoria to name but a few) and others are letting them down by looking too uncertain.

RISKY OUR GAME (Or 'that Risky Business' as Ben Miller called it when he was giving us notes last night, teehee)

-Boys at the start-Please please please think about the actions here before sunday. They are not that complicated. And they're listed very clearly in the walkthrough if you're not sure. Or come and ask me on sunday. Kenny, don't face the back when you're singing at the start.
-The first and second little groups were ok, the third was GREAT. Charlie particularly was right into it.
-Whenever you turn during the large circle turn over your R shoulder.
-The large circle gets better every time.
-My notes say 'Jennifer Halliday-good position'. I can't remember when that was but hurray for you.


-Place Colin in position firther back so that you've got more room to move forwards with him. You should end up in the middle rather than stR.
-For turning and marching off you step forwards, turn and start marching off on the words I've capitalised below. I think that's what we decided anyway.

'march on march ON, MARCH, march ON'

-Matadors-know when your arms are supposed to go up. It's always a bit hit and miss.

Sorry those were rather long and rambling. See you on sunday!


One by one the penguins steal my sanity.

 Post subject: Re: Notes - Thu 22 Jan
PostPosted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 4:48 am 
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p.s. In GA stamp on the 'and'. At the dancer rehearsal earlier this week they all did it right and it was glorious. Perhaps it would help to count 1and2and3AND4(that capital and was where you stamp).

One by one the penguins steal my sanity.

 Post subject: Re: Notes - Thu 22 Jan
PostPosted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 2:22 am 
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Joined: Mon Mar 03, 2008 11:19 am
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I'm sorry Susanne!! I called you Suzanne with a z again. It's all that Suzanne Majewski's fault.

One by one the penguins steal my sanity.

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