
Complaints Form:


The Cecilian Society committee of 2024/25 have discussed and decided upon the following procedures as necessary for the duration of the upcoming academic year. 

Complaints Procedure:

If a member of the society wishes to complain about something, they can take any of the following steps.

  1. Fill in the complaint form which is available at all times under the members section of the website. They can choose whether to fill this in anonymously or add their name. This will then be reviewed by the executive committee. 
  2. Confide in the designated welfare officer on committee (Membership and Welfare Officer). If required, the Ordinary Committee Member can refer to a member of the executive committee. 
  3. Confide in any member of the executive committee (the Vice-President is the designated welfare officer on the executive). 

After taking one of these steps, required action will be taken based on the individual case and the outlined disciplinary procedure. 

Disciplinary Procedure:

If an issue arises within the society that requires disciplinary action, this is the procedure that will occur. 

  1. A meeting will be held with the relevant member/s and either the designated welfare officers, the President, or the full executive, depending on the circumstances/preferences of those involved, to discuss a resolution for the issue. 
  2. If necessary, the President will contact the appropriate support services provided by the university.
  3. The member/s implicated in the complaint may be directed to suspend their membership of the society, depending on the circumstances and severity of the complaint.

If anyone has any questions about these procedures, please direct them to the President of the society by email (